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Raising Awareness of Safety Precautions, Building a Better Campus Life ——College of International Education organized safety education training for international studentsv

creation date:2023-04-26

To raise the awareness of safety prevention among international students, deepen safety education, improve their safety literacy, and create a safe and healthy learning and living environment, the College of International Education organized an online safety education training on April 25th. The training covered fire safety and fraud prevention education, with Ding Guoyue, the chief of Fengpu Police Station from the Fengxian Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, invited as the guest speaker.

Chief Ding Guoyue presented the basics of fire accidents, common firefighting equipment, escape methods, and emergency plans. He illustrated the importance of improving fire safety with vivid examples to the international students. Additionally, he educated them about campus fraud prevention, reminding them to be cautious of online shopping fraud and click farming, and not to fall for scams or transfer money blindly 

The picture shows the scene of the online lecture

The training was organized to coincide with National Security Education Day and aimed to promote safety, fire prevention, and fraud prevention knowledge among international students. The goal was to effectively improve their awareness of safety prevention, enhance their self-protection ability, promote the construction of campus safety culture, and build a better campus life together.


Written by: Shen Lanxin

Photos by: Zhang Wen

Reviewed by: Chen Wei